Sunday, 1 July 2012

A recipe a day keeps the bikini (hidden) away!!

This baking fad I have launched upon is great for the taste-buds, and for the soul... but not so great for the diet! BUT right now I don't care. I will happily do an extra 20 minute "shred" a day with Jillian Michael's shouting at me through the TV if it means I can eat more cookies!! I am happily working my way through my newest cook book, The Hummingbird Bakery "cake Days". I know I have mentioned this book a few times but honestly, everything I have made from it has turned out brilliantly! Here are the two recipes I have made this weekend...

Apple and Currant flapjacks: These were lovely cold, but so much like apple crumble that they taste great warmed up with ice cream too!!

White Chocolate Cookies and Milk Chocolate Cookies.

This is actually a recipe I adapted from the Hummingbird Bakery book, The Original was white chocolate and cranberries. I did make a variation of this with currants as I'm not a huge fan of cranberries; and they were a lovely mixture of gooey chocolate, chewy currants and warm spices. However tonight I have made cookies for the team at work tomorrow and I know lots of people wont like cinnamon, or currants etc so Iv kept it simple and stuck to a batch of white choc cookies, and a batch of milk choc!

Balls of cookie dough! 

Fresh from the oven

I hope the folks at work enjoy these tomorrow! Happy baking people!! xxx


  1. You've made me feel so hungry reading this and the only biscuits I've got in the house are rich teas. Not as appetising as your lovely creations! Going to have to get baking myself. Those flapjacks look particularly yummy. Fiona

  2. Wow! Those cookies look really professional. I love baking - I have a pavlova in the oven as we speak!
